


EarthStones pottery is made by Karin Lamb of Eureka, MT.

P.O. Box 982
Eureka MT 59917

Karin Lamb was born in Annapolis, MD in 1953. She began studying art at age 4. "I had a great beginning art teacher who showed so much respect for her very young students that we walked out of her class feeling we were artists, not as if it might be something we would become when we grew up."

She continued her studies throughout her grade school years, exploring many media. Studies included lessons in pottery, painting, drawing, metalsmithing, drama, dance, and music. "My parents were very supportive of creativity. We had lessons in all sorts of art media to help us find our best modes of expression."

In 1978 she began studies at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore. "I was a little older than most of the students because I had taken time to gain life experience through things like canoeing 1900 miles of the Mississippi River, and living on a communal organic farm in northern Wisconsin for several years."

After attending college for two years, she moved to northwest Montana, where she's been living ever since. "I love the mountains, the colors, the people, the ruggedness, and the wonder of the interconnectedness of plants and animals so close to our existence here."

Her clay work is inspired by the Spirit Animal concept in indigenous cosmology and primitive imagery such as that found in rock art from around the world. "I like the simplicity of the statement in 'primitive' art. There is a direct gestalt that represents a concept in the least terms. No frills."

All the work is hand formed slab work that is either slumped or built up in pieces to create the shape. "So many potters use a wheel. I have never been attracted to the wheel. I like my work to look as if it was an artifact dug up from some ancient ruin, rough and irregular, but elegant."

Artist's Statement

For nearly twenty years I have lived in the Rocky Mountains, after migrating from the East Coast. Here I feel at home as never before. I feed my mind with the quiet vastness of star filled nights and endless mountain vistas. I drink the colors of the landscape. I feast on the rocks themselves as I grind my teeth into old age. I love this planet.

My concern is with the growing disparity between humanity and our mother planet. We are disconnected people. The time has come to reestablish the bonds we share with this land. A simple and fun way to begin is to recognize our internal, wild animal "guides". Totemic animals have traits and characteristics that help us see ourselves. They help us understand how and why we respond the way we do in many situations. We carry this understanding to a deeper level the more we know about our animals and their ways. As we develop this connection with the natural world through animals, we find we can no longer ignore issues pertaining to habitat destruction and pollution. We are protective of our "friends", their home is our home, and we see ourselves as one. Many wild animals are reflected in my work, where do you see yourself?

The "people of earth" dolls are my idealized vision of humanity, all kinds of people living simply, freely and together. They are always barefoot because that is how we feel connected with, and impact the earth we walk on. I see the people of earth as peaceful, dance-loving, music-making people who sit in meditation when not joyfully celebrating. The crystals they carry represent thought forms of clarity and beauty in simplicity.

My own struggle for simplicity is daily, to remember what is important and weed out the cumulative layers of cultural garbage. This effort is reflected in my current use of soft muted tones and simple images. This work is part of my meditation . . . bright colors and loud sounds, the glittering distraction of technology exert a strong pull away from the quiet restive state where natural elements can feed and fill. It is a struggle to move away from the noise of current culture where the self exists without props and poisons. I hope to meet you here someday.

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